Friday, February 08, 2008

The squirrel who looks like a tail-less cat

While going through stuff I've had stored away, I came across what I can only guess is the first story I ever wrote back in 1st grade.

The bike ride: An illustrated story

The text reads,

"Wans I took a bike ride. I saw a tree and a hill and a filld of flowrs. Well at that minit a squirrel jumped out of a tree. And landid on my bike I rod my bike home and cap the squirrel for a pet and I howp I have anothr avichr."

My spelling has vastly improved (what's with all the missing "e"s?), but sadly my illustration skills have not.


  1. What's an avichr?

  2. OHHHH! An adventure?


  3. That makes me happy, then.

  4. Interesting - blogsearching for "avichr" (my name) and finding your entry... Greetings.
