Friday, May 19, 2006

End of the semester

So here it is over a week since my semester ended and I'm just now posting. I can only claim extreme laziness. I talked to a couple of my school friends and we've all been doing the same things, sleeping and reading for pleasure. I swear it's like my body downshifted from the frantic pace of the semester and now I'm plagued by lethargy.

I haven't been a complete slug. I've been organizing CPR classes as a fundraiser for our nursing student association and gone to the gym four times since my last day of tests. Next week I go for drug screening in preparation for starting my summer job as a clinical assistant at a psychiatric facility. So that should yield a plethora of stories on par with last summer when I worked at an ER.

Tomorrow I will be carrying a flag as part of the nursing school graduate procession at UT's combined graduation ceremony. When I volunteered for it I did it out of sense of duty, but was pleasantly surprised last night at practice when the orchestra played a part of Verdi's Aida. It's the only opera I've seen, and while I don't enjoy operatic singing, the music is great and I happily hummed along last night.

Ummm, I guess that's it for now except I got a 4.00 this semester and scored a scholarship for next year. So, rock on.


  1. Congrats, honey!

  2. world's greatest murse!

  3. Yay for the GPA and scholarship! And way to finally update.
