My friend Amy sent me a link to The Rocky Horror Picture Show in 30 seconds, re-enacted by bunnies. Animated bunnies, but still. I drew looks of fear and concern from fellow students when I started choking with laughter. (Make sure to click on the dancing bunny in the balcony at the end of the clip)
Turns out, the Jennifer Shiman have done a slew of these, all hilarious. She seems to have a particular affection for horror and science fiction. You really can't argue with the logic of Jaws + animated bunnies = funny.
What I'm most impressed with is Shiman manages to get the plot across in 30 seconds while still throwing in unnecessary but memorable scenes from the films. This made my day.
Slow clap
12 years ago
whenever i need to be cheered up at work, i tend to visit angryalien. i think my favorite so far is the shining.