Whew I'm getting really lazy with the posting. Or maybe it's not having a computer at home (why did you crap out on me iBook and after all the nice things I've been saying about you). Now that school is starting, I'll likely be more dutiful.
Some high- & lowlights from the past few weeks:
- Went skiing again and got up on the wakeboard immediately. Something clicked and I just got it, that happened to two other guys too. More fun than skis, but harder to cross the wake. I really need to bring a videocamera with me next time so I can document the spectacular wipeouts while tubing.
- Drove to Arlington to enjoy Six Flags only to find that it was closed. They changed their operating hours only a few days before we went. Hateful. More on that trip here.
- Saw When in Rome, Psychedelic Furs, & DEVO(!!!) in San Antonio. When in Rome were better than expected. I expected utterly awful and it turned out rather cheezy. When When in Rome (ha! fun sentence construction) broke it down during their one hit "The Promise" so the singer could introduce the band I turned to mybloodyself and said, "I'm getting goosebumps. Of revulsion." Psych Furs were good, three original members and all their hits. I was surprised and pleased that they played "Dumbwaiters", an abrasive (well, abrasive for Psych Furs, I mean it wasn't Merzbow or anything) and punky song from their first album. Of course Devo were magnificent. It wasn't all that different from the show I saw in New York last year and yet it was better because I was crammed up against the stage (my choice, there was plenty of room) and spazz-dancing throughout. Three young guys near me had driven 14 hours from Memphis to see the show and I was impressed by both their committment and that Devo still inspires such devotion in dorkish college boys. Thank goodness I had a shirt to change into because I completely soaked the one I was wearing. Wheee!
- Scaling way back on my work hours now that school has begun. The shift I had last Sunday was miserable. Understaffed with some fairly sick patients. I've said it before, I'd rather have 10 depressed people than one manic. You think I talk a lot. I almost offered the manic patient $500 to stop talking for 10 minutes knowing she wouldn't be able to do it, but good judgement won out. At least I further endeared myself to the nursing staff by keeping order.
- School started today. Just a review of assessment, vital signs, blood glucose checks (me and my partner bled all over the place, damn defective clotting mechanisms), drawing up and delivering injections, that sort of thing.
UPDATE: Mybloody posted photos of Devo, Psych Furs, & When in Rome.
Slow clap
12 years ago